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Ultimate Tree Philodendron Care Guide: Why You Should Choose Philodendron Selloum
Tree philodendrons are popular indoor plants that can add a touch of the tropics to your home. They are easy to care for and have large, glossy leaves that can brighten up any space. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about growing and caring for tree philodendron houseplants, including how to propagate them, what are the best conditions for them, and how to deal with common pests and diseases. You will also discover some of the different varieties of tree philodendrons that you can choose from.
Introduction to Tree Philodendron
Tree philodendron is a common name for several species of plants in the genus Philodendron, which belongs to the family Araceae. Philodendrons are native to tropical regions of the Americas, where they grow as vines or shrubs in the rainforest. They have aerial roots that help them climb and attach to other plants or structures. Some of them can grow up to 15 feet tall indoors, while others are more compact and suitable for smaller spaces.
Philodendron Selloum and Bipinnatifidum – What’s the difference?

The most common types of tree philodendrons that are grown as houseplants are Philodendron selloum and Philodendron bipinnatifidum. These two species are very similar and often confused with each other. They both have large, lobed leaves that can reach up to 3 feet in length. They also have a thick, woody stem that can grow upright or bend over time. The main difference between them is that Philodendron selloum has more deeply divided leaves than Philodendron bipinnatifidum, which has more rounded lobes.
Importance of Philodendron as Indoor Plants
Philodendrons are not only attractive plants, but also beneficial for your indoor environment. They can help purify the air by removing harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene. They can also increase the humidity level by releasing water vapor through their leaves. This can make your home more comfortable and prevent dry skin, throat, and eyes.
Philodendrons are also easy to care for and adaptable to different conditions. They can tolerate low light levels, although they prefer bright indirect light. They do not need frequent watering, as they can store water in their stems and roots. They also do not require much fertilizing, as they can get nutrients from the organic matter in their potting mix. However, they do appreciate some pruning and repotting once in a while to keep them healthy and in shape.
Getting to Know Philodendron’s Leaf and Foliage

One of the most distinctive features of tree philodendrons is their leaf shape and size. There are two main types of tree philodendrons based on their leaf morphology: lacy leaf philodendron and split leaf philodendron.
The Distinct Lacy Leaf Philodendron and Split Leaf Philodendron
Lacy leaf philodendron is another name for Philodendron selloum, which has deeply cut leaves with narrow lobes. The leaves look like lace or feathers, hence the name. Lacy leaf philodendron can grow up to 15 feet tall indoors, but it can be kept smaller by pruning.
Split leaf philodendron is another name for Philodendron bipinnatifidum, which has less divided leaves with wider lobes. The leaves look like they have been split or torn, hence the name. Split leaf philodendron can also grow up to 15 feet tall indoors, but it tends to have a more compact habit than lacy leaf philodendron.
Examining the Attributes of Tree Philodendron’s Foliage
Tree philodendrons have dark green leaves that are glossy and smooth on the surface. The leaves are attached to long petioles that emerge from the stem. The petioles have a sheath that covers the base of the leaf blade. The sheath is usually green or red in color and can be hairy or smooth.
The leaves of tree philodendrons are evergreen, meaning they do not shed seasonally. However, they may drop some older leaves as they grow new ones. This is normal and not a sign of poor health. The leaves may also change color or shape as they mature. For example, young leaves may be lighter green or have red spots or veins, while older leaves may be darker green or have more pronounced lobes.
Propagating Tree philodendrons
Tree philodendrons can be propagated by stem cuttings or division. Both methods are easy and effective ways to create new plants from existing ones.
Propagation Basics for Tree Philodendron
To propagate tree philodendrons by stem cuttings, you will need a sharp knife, a clean pot, a well-draining potting mix, and a plastic bag. You will also need a healthy parent plant that has at least one aerial root and one leaf node on the stem. A leaf node is a point where a leaf attaches to the stem.
To propagate tree philodendrons by division, you will need a sharp knife, two clean pots, a well-draining potting mix, and some fresh soil. You will also need a mature parent plant that has multiple stems and roots.
Easy Steps to Propagate Tree Philodendron Houseplant
To propagate tree philodendrons by stem cuttings, follow these steps:
- Cut off a section of the stem that has at least one aerial root and one leaf node. The cutting should be about 6 to 12 inches long.
- Remove the lower leaves from the cutting, leaving only one or two leaves at the top.
- Fill a pot with a well-draining potting mix and make a hole in the center.
- Insert the cutting into the hole and press the soil around it. Make sure the aerial root and the leaf node are buried in the soil.
- Water the cutting well and cover it with a plastic bag to create a humid environment.
- Place the pot in a warm and bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight.
- Check the soil regularly and keep it moist but not soggy.
- After a few weeks, the cutting should develop roots and begin to grow new leaves. You can remove the plastic bag once you see new growth.
To propagate tree philodendrons by division, follow these steps:
- Remove the parent plant from its pot and shake off the excess soil from its roots.
- Use a sharp knife to cut through the stem and root mass, dividing the plant into two or more sections. Each section should have at least one stem and some roots.
- Fill two or more pots with fresh soil and make holes in the center.
- Plant each section into a separate pot and press the soil around it.
- Water the plants well and place them in a warm and bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight.
- Check the soil regularly and keep it moist but not soggy.
- After a few weeks, the plants should establish themselves and begin to grow new leaves.
Tree Philodendron Care Tips and Guide
Tree philodendrons are easy to care for, but they do have some specific needs that you should be aware of. Here are some tips and guidelines on how to care for your tree philodendron houseplants.
Temperature and Humidity Requirements for Tree Philodendron
Tree philodendrons are tropical plants that prefer warm and humid conditions. They can tolerate temperatures between 60°F and 85°F, but they do not like sudden changes or drafts. They can also tolerate low humidity levels, but they prefer high humidity levels of 60% or more. You can increase the humidity around your plant by misting it regularly, placing it on a pebble tray filled with water, or using a humidifier.
Practical Care Guide for Philodendron Selloum and Bipinnatifidum
Aspect | Tree Philodendron Care Tips |
Light Requirements | – Bright indirect light is ideal. |
– Can tolerate low light but will grow slower. | |
– Avoid too much direct sunlight to prevent burning. | |
– Place near a window with filtered or morning light. | |
Watering | – Keep soil moist, not soggy. |
– Check top inch of soil; water when dry. | |
– Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. | |
Fertilizing | – Light fertilizing in spring and summer. |
– Use balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. | |
– Nutrients in potting mix can suffice. | |
Pruning | – Occasional pruning for shape and size maintenance. |
– Best done in late winter or early spring. | |
– Remove unwanted stems or leaves at the base. | |
Repotting | – Repot every 2-3 years or when roots outgrow pot. |
– Use well-draining potting mix with peat moss, etc. | |
– Choose a pot 1-2 sizes larger with drainage holes. |
Common Pests and Diseases of the Tree Philodendron

Tree philodendrons are generally resistant to most pests and diseases, but they can still be affected by some common problems. Here are some of the most common pests and diseases that can affect your tree philodendron houseplants and how to prevent and manage them.
Preventing and Managing Common Pests on Philodendron Plants
Some of the common pests that can infest your tree philodendron plants are spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, and aphids. These pests can suck the sap from your plant and cause yellowing, wilting, curling, or dropping of the leaves. They can also spread diseases or viruses to your plant.
To prevent these pests from attacking your plant, you should keep it healthy and stress-free by providing it with proper care. You should also inspect your plant regularly and remove any dead or damaged leaves or stems. You should also isolate any new plants that you bring home for a few weeks before introducing them to your other plants.
To manage these pests, you can use a variety of methods depending on the severity of the infestation. You can try to wipe off the pests with a damp cloth or cotton swab dipped in alcohol. You can also spray your plant with water or a mild soap solution to dislodge the pests. You can also use natural predators such as ladybugs or lacewings to control the pests. You can also use insecticidal sprays or oils that are safe for indoor plants, but make sure to follow the instructions carefully and avoid spraying the flowers or buds.
Knowing and Treating Common Diseases for Philodendron Selloum
Some of the common diseases that can affect your tree philodendron plants are root rot, leaf spot, bacterial blight, and fungal infections. These diseases can cause discoloration, decay, lesions, spots, or holes on your plant. They can also affect the growth and health of your plant.
To prevent these diseases from affecting your plant, you should keep it clean and well-ventilated by removing any debris or fallen leaves from the soil or pot. You should also avoid overwatering or underwatering your plant, as this can stress it and make it more susceptible to diseases. You should also avoid splashing water on the leaves or stems, as this can spread the pathogens. You should also sterilize your tools before using them on your plant.
To treat these diseases, you can use a variety of methods depending on the type and severity of the disease. You can try to cut off any infected parts of your plant and dispose of them properly. You can also apply fungicides or bactericides that are safe for indoor plants, but make sure to follow the instructions carefully and avoid applying them on the flowers or buds.
Exploring the Varieties of Tree Philodendron Houseplants
Tree philodendrons are not only easy to care for, but also diverse and beautiful plants that come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns. Here are some of the varieties of tree philodendrons that you can explore for your home.

Discovery Unique Philodendron Varieties for Your Home
- Philodendron Xanadu: This is a compact variety of tree philodendron that has glossy green leaves that are deeply lobed but not split. It grows up to 3 feet tall and wide and has a bushy habit.
- Philodendron Birkin: This is a rare variety of tree philodendron that has dark green leaves with white stripes or veins. It grows up to 2 feet tall and wide and has a compact habit.
- Philodendron Congo Rojo: This is a colorful variety of tree philodendron that has green leaves that turn red as they mature. It grows up to 4 feet tall and wide and has a upright habit.
- Philodendron Moonlight: This is a bright variety of tree philodendron that has lime green leaves that fade to yellow as they age. It grows up to 3 feet tall and wide and has a spreading habit.
- Philodendron Prince of Orange: This is a vibrant variety of tree philodendron that has orange leaves that turn green as they mature. It grows up to 2 feet tall and wide and has a compact habit.
Choosing the Right Philodendron: From Rainforest to Your Living Room

Tree philodendrons are versatile and adaptable plants that can suit any style and space. You can choose the right philodendron for your home based on your preferences and conditions. Here are some tips on how to choose the right philodendron for your home.
- Consider the size and shape of your space. Tree philodendrons can grow very large indoors, so you need to have enough room for them to spread and thrive. You can also prune them to keep them in shape and size, but you should not cut off more than one-third of their foliage at a time. You can also choose smaller or compact varieties that can fit in smaller spaces or containers.
- Consider the light and temperature of your space. Tree philodendrons prefer bright indirect light, but they can tolerate low light levels. They do not like direct sunlight, as this can burn their leaves. They also prefer warm and humid conditions, but they can tolerate cooler or drier conditions. They do not like sudden changes or drafts, as this can stress them and cause leaf drop.
- Consider the style and color of your space. Tree philodendrons have different leaf shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns that can complement or contrast with your space. You can choose a variety that matches or enhances your space’s theme or mood. You can also mix and match different varieties to create a diverse and dynamic display.
Key Takeaways
Tree philodendrons are popular indoor plants that can add a touch of the tropics to your home. They are easy to care for and have large, glossy leaves that can brighten up any space. Here are some key takeaways on how to grow and care for tree philodendron houseplants:
- Tree philodendrons are tropical plants that prefer warm and humid conditions. They can tolerate temperatures between 60°F and 85°F and humidity levels of 60% or more.
- Tree philodendrons need bright indirect light to thrive. They can tolerate low light levels, but they will grow slower and have smaller leaves. They can also tolerate some direct sunlight, but they will burn if exposed to too much sun.
- Tree philodendrons need moderate watering to keep their soil moist but not soggy. They can store water in their stems and roots, so they can survive some drought periods. However, they do not like overwatering, as this can cause root rot and other problems.
- Tree philodendrons need light fertilizing to support their growth and health. They do not need much fertilizer, as they can get nutrients from the organic matter in their potting mix. However, they do appreciate some feeding during their growing season, which is spring and summer.
- Tree philodendrons need occasional pruning to maintain their shape and size. They can grow very large indoors, so you may want to trim them back if they become too leggy or unruly. You can prune your plant anytime of the year, but it is best to do it in late winter or early spring before new growth starts.
- Tree philodendrons need regular repotting to provide them with fresh soil and more space for their roots. They do not need to be repotted very often, as they like to be slightly root-bound. However, you should repot your plant every two or three years or when you notice that the roots are growing out of the drainage holes of the pot.
- Tree philodendrons are generally resistant to most pests and diseases, but they can still be affected by some common problems such as spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, aphids, root rot, leaf spot, bacterial blight, and fungal infections. You can prevent and manage these problems by keeping your plant healthy and stress-free by providing it with proper care.
- Tree philodendrons are diverse and beautiful plants that come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns. You can choose from different varieties such as Philodendron Xanadu, Philodendron Birkin, Philodendron Congo Rojo, Philodendron Moonlight, Philodendron Prince of Orange, and more.
Tree philodendrons are easy to care for plants that can bring a lot of joy and beauty to your home. With these tips and guidelines, you can grow and care for your tree philodendron houseplants successfully.